toolbox mentoring          toolbox assessment          toolbox quality



The partnership is focused on the integration of ‘on the job learning’ in social sector: nursing and care for child, elderly, adults and disabled persons. Together, workplace organisations and educational institutions will learn from good experiences and pilot-projects of the partners in the participating countries. We will take into account the differences between cultures, values, gender, financial and educational contexts.

As a common result of the network learning, we will develop 3 toolboxes with educational instruments, tools for self-evaluation at the workplace and qualitative standards for assessment of learning on the job and for implementation of it in the learning curricula. The toolboxes will focus on the processes we consider to be essential for good job embedded learning: mentoring & guidance of the mentee, a qualitative workplace for job embedded learning , assessment of the learning process at the workplace.

The learning in the partnership will be enriched by the different context and origin of the participating organisations: educational organisations as well as organisations for child care, …. Different cultural regions of the EU are on board and while hosting the multilateral network meetings this factor will support the clear and enriching picture of the European dimension of job embedded learning.

We expect this project to result in changes towards a better guidance of young people to employment and lifelong learning in the social profit.

The concrete objectives of the partnership:
Educational and workplace organisations in social profit: (education for) care for child, eldery & adults
  • develop 3 toolboxes to stimulate learning on the job:
    • for mentors on mentoring and guidance of students and starters in the job
    • for workplaces on quality of organization in learning on the job
    • for schools and educational organizations on assessment of learning on the job
All toolboxes contain several educational materials, learning methodology and tools for VET

The development process will be a participative learning process of the partnership :
  • exchange good and best practices and results from pilot projects on ‘learning on the job’
  • strengthen the mutual learning between the partner organisations and their partners in workplace
  • build a learning network between the partners
  • disseminate the result of the learning partnership
See also

(c) Ledovec 2014             webmaster