toolbox mentoring          toolbox assessment          toolbox quality


... what we mean when we say ...

– process of collecting and analysing information to evaluate competences of learners in an objective way.

– one to one relationship based on equality between student and coach. Coach challenges, supports and guides student to a goal defined in advance. The amount of support depends on needs and demands of the student. Coach and student learn from each other.

Coordinator of practices at the workplace
– employee of the workplace who is responsible for organising practices at the workplace.

Coordinator of practices of the school
– employee of the school that is responsible for organising and coordinating practices for students.

– process which enables individuals to fully access personal power. It encourages to gain skills and knowledge that will allow them to solve problems independently in life and work.

– information sent back to the source which is used as a basis for improvement.

Good practice
– transferable example of successful workplace learning.

– supervised practical training of students at the workplace as part of their vocational training.

Job embedded learning
- work based learning that is integrated in a school based programme. In this model schools have the main responsibility to organise cooperation with companies where learners acquire skills, knowledge and competencies which are essential in working life.

- professional at the work place who is the key person for students during their internship.

– reaching defined standards to exploit the full potential of work based learning.

– teacher from school who is guiding and assessing students in the process of job embedded learning.

(c) Ledovec 2014             webmaster